Crazy doctors wanking off gay twinks

Call him the gay cum doctor, this horny guy gives gay twink medical exams. Great videos and gay medical fetish clips with virgin twink ass getting fingered. A site for lovers of cum fetish clips and twinks eating cum and one of Harry Jhones favourites including Aaron from Aaroncute.

These twinks get their ass eaten before their twinks cocks ooze cum. Before I had a chance to speak, David arched himself up onto his knees, staring down at me. The next thing I knew, David began laying across my lap, positioning his crotch area directly over my throbbing erection, gyrating that sweet shapely ass as an open invitation. With all the natural of gestures, I place the palm of my left hand on his back and began softly caressing that area. Using my right hand, I placed a light swat on his butt, but as soon as my hand made contact, my fingers slightly gripped the mounds of the boy's taunting butt cheeks.

These twinks get their ass eaten before their twinks cocks ooze cum. Before I had a chance to speak, David arched himself up onto his knees, staring down at me. The next thing I knew, David began laying across my lap, positioning his crotch area directly over my throbbing erection, gyrating that sweet shapely ass as an open invitation. With all the natural of gestures, I place the palm of my left hand on his back and began softly caressing that area. Using my right hand, I placed a light swat on his butt, but as soon as my hand made contact, my fingers slightly gripped the mounds of the boy's taunting butt cheeks.
Upon delivering the second light swat, David rolled his gorgeous face towards me, then angelically whispered, "You know I'm not made out of glass. You can hit my butt harder than that if in you want to!"

This time, being a little more harder, my hand fell on his butt, fingers still clutching at the tightness of his juicier than juicy butt cheeks. The denim material of his shorts protected his butt a lot, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I would have rather been swatting his butt without those shorts covering such delicate beauty. The harder my hand struck his butt, David's gyrating motions increased. I knew the boy had to feel my cock throb, and each time he made his butt gyrate, he was grinding his own cock against mine.

I made it to 12, then dug my fingers into his denim covered crack, grabbing a finger full, then gave it a loving pinch for good luck. By now, I had a little sweat trickling from my forehead. David pushed himself off of me, flopping back down on the bed, then blurted, "C'mon Mr. Shawn sir, you can take off your shirt if in you want to."
My fingers damn near tore the buttons off getting out of it. Now, bare chested laying next to David, I could see from the corner of my right eye as his own eyes peered heavily onto my hairy chest. Looking directly into my eyes, David's cherry colored succulent lips shivered as he spoke, "Sometimes when I'm alone, back at the orphanage, I shuck out of my clothes and just go for a walk. I only do this when I'm outside, and far away from everybody else. I can't do anything like that inside the orphanage. We have to be dressed at all times. I like being naked, don't you Mr. Shawn?"

Come to think of it, when I'm inside the comfort and safety of my own home, I always go naked. So, answering the boy, I replied, "Yeah, there's nothing like being naked. At home, I never wear any clothes. I just don't see the point of it, besides, where I live, nobody can see me."
That statement went on to me explaining where I live. I told David of my home, and without sounding as though I'm bragging, is more like a miniature mansion. David seemed very excited of hearing about my home and all its pleasing extremities. When I got done telling him about my home, and answering all of his questions concerning it, the conversation went straight back to being nude.
David arched his upper body up with his left arm, looking ever so sexy, asked, "Mr. Shawn sir, I was kind of wondering, if I uh, we uh, being that it's my birthday and all, if we could uh, if I um, could shuck out of these shorts. I mean, we've already seen each other naked back at the swimming hole and all, and I was kind of um, wanting to go uh, would you mind if I um........."
I cut him off knowing precisely what he was trying to ask, "David, if you feel comfortable being naked in front of me, then you go ahead and do whatever you want to do. You're right, it's your birthday, so enjoy it!"

Without getting off the bed, he propelled his body upwards using his tiny feet while pushing his shorts clear off his body, then slung them onto the chair joining his shirt. Once his shorts were off, David yanked each sock off then tossed them into the same chair. Now, he lay back giving me a full frontal shot of his breath taking nude body. His one inch boy dick was aiming itself towards David's face, giving me a birds eyes view of that tiny little pink piss lips that I already knew I could kiss forever and ever.
A slight body shaking convulsion tore through my body, causing David to look straight at me to see if everything was alright. I was totally blind with envious lust! It was all I could do to refrain from leaning over and sucking the boy's perfect boy meat into my mouth. From this perfect angle, I could clearly see his pubic area. It was evenly tanned and not a shred of hair life presented itself.
David's voice blasted into my ears, "If in you want to, you can go ahead and get naked too Mr. Shawn. It's okay with me! It wont hurt my feeling nary bit sir!"

Like a fool, and thinking with just my throbbing butt plugger, I did exactly what he just had said. Bare ass naked, and now laying in bed with the most gorgeous 12 year old boy, who is just as naked, was truly heaven on earth. My cock went straight to being on proud display, throbbing with each and every single heartbeat, knowing full well that the boy's young innocent eyes were baring down on it as if being pasted with super glue.
David spoke, "Whew Mr. Shawn, that sure is a big pecker! I betcha when you shoot, you shoot a biiiiiiiiggggggg load sir!"
Whether he was trying to seduce me, or simply being innocent, I was now feeding off of his questions, so I replied, "Yeah, I do cum a lot! How about you? Can you cum yet?"

David's voice raised up another notch in excitement as he responded, "Yes sir, I can shoot now. I found that out sitting at the watering hole about two months ago. It wasn't a lot now mind you, but it sure as heck felt real good sir. I got to be careful at the orphanage though, there's not a lot of privacy and our bathroom time is watched. But, when I'm at my swimming pond, I can do it without anyone seeing me."
After a brief pause, David inquisitively asked, "Mr. Shawn sir, when you do it, I mean, when you jack-off, what do you think about?"
In response, I said, "All sorts of things I guess. Depends on my mood mainly."
Nearly 5 heart pounding minutes went by without any further questions. David seemed somewhat interested with the movie playing on the television. In the meantime, I was too busy glaring upon his soft morsel of sleeping boy meat. I could have easily spent all eternity glaring at his boy stick and adorable perfect little body. David raised his legs upwards, propelling his knees towards the ceiling while keeping both feet planted on the mattress. Oh how I would have given anything to have been so lucky as to be in between those silky smooth legs, lapping like a thirst craved camel at the boy's delicious butt hole. The more I thought these types of sexual perverse thoughts, the more my cock continued throbbing like crazy, producing globs of pre-cum oozing from my now gaping piss lips.

This time, being a little more harder, my hand fell on his butt, fingers still clutching at the tightness of his juicier than juicy butt cheeks. The denim material of his shorts protected his butt a lot, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I would have rather been swatting his butt without those shorts covering such delicate beauty. The harder my hand struck his butt, David's gyrating motions increased. I knew the boy had to feel my cock throb, and each time he made his butt gyrate, he was grinding his own cock against mine.

I made it to 12, then dug my fingers into his denim covered crack, grabbing a finger full, then gave it a loving pinch for good luck. By now, I had a little sweat trickling from my forehead. David pushed himself off of me, flopping back down on the bed, then blurted, "C'mon Mr. Shawn sir, you can take off your shirt if in you want to."
My fingers damn near tore the buttons off getting out of it. Now, bare chested laying next to David, I could see from the corner of my right eye as his own eyes peered heavily onto my hairy chest. Looking directly into my eyes, David's cherry colored succulent lips shivered as he spoke, "Sometimes when I'm alone, back at the orphanage, I shuck out of my clothes and just go for a walk. I only do this when I'm outside, and far away from everybody else. I can't do anything like that inside the orphanage. We have to be dressed at all times. I like being naked, don't you Mr. Shawn?"

Come to think of it, when I'm inside the comfort and safety of my own home, I always go naked. So, answering the boy, I replied, "Yeah, there's nothing like being naked. At home, I never wear any clothes. I just don't see the point of it, besides, where I live, nobody can see me."
That statement went on to me explaining where I live. I told David of my home, and without sounding as though I'm bragging, is more like a miniature mansion. David seemed very excited of hearing about my home and all its pleasing extremities. When I got done telling him about my home, and answering all of his questions concerning it, the conversation went straight back to being nude.
David arched his upper body up with his left arm, looking ever so sexy, asked, "Mr. Shawn sir, I was kind of wondering, if I uh, we uh, being that it's my birthday and all, if we could uh, if I um, could shuck out of these shorts. I mean, we've already seen each other naked back at the swimming hole and all, and I was kind of um, wanting to go uh, would you mind if I um........."
I cut him off knowing precisely what he was trying to ask, "David, if you feel comfortable being naked in front of me, then you go ahead and do whatever you want to do. You're right, it's your birthday, so enjoy it!"

Without getting off the bed, he propelled his body upwards using his tiny feet while pushing his shorts clear off his body, then slung them onto the chair joining his shirt. Once his shorts were off, David yanked each sock off then tossed them into the same chair. Now, he lay back giving me a full frontal shot of his breath taking nude body. His one inch boy dick was aiming itself towards David's face, giving me a birds eyes view of that tiny little pink piss lips that I already knew I could kiss forever and ever.
A slight body shaking convulsion tore through my body, causing David to look straight at me to see if everything was alright. I was totally blind with envious lust! It was all I could do to refrain from leaning over and sucking the boy's perfect boy meat into my mouth. From this perfect angle, I could clearly see his pubic area. It was evenly tanned and not a shred of hair life presented itself.
David's voice blasted into my ears, "If in you want to, you can go ahead and get naked too Mr. Shawn. It's okay with me! It wont hurt my feeling nary bit sir!"

Like a fool, and thinking with just my throbbing butt plugger, I did exactly what he just had said. Bare ass naked, and now laying in bed with the most gorgeous 12 year old boy, who is just as naked, was truly heaven on earth. My cock went straight to being on proud display, throbbing with each and every single heartbeat, knowing full well that the boy's young innocent eyes were baring down on it as if being pasted with super glue.
David spoke, "Whew Mr. Shawn, that sure is a big pecker! I betcha when you shoot, you shoot a biiiiiiiiggggggg load sir!"
Whether he was trying to seduce me, or simply being innocent, I was now feeding off of his questions, so I replied, "Yeah, I do cum a lot! How about you? Can you cum yet?"

David's voice raised up another notch in excitement as he responded, "Yes sir, I can shoot now. I found that out sitting at the watering hole about two months ago. It wasn't a lot now mind you, but it sure as heck felt real good sir. I got to be careful at the orphanage though, there's not a lot of privacy and our bathroom time is watched. But, when I'm at my swimming pond, I can do it without anyone seeing me."
After a brief pause, David inquisitively asked, "Mr. Shawn sir, when you do it, I mean, when you jack-off, what do you think about?"
In response, I said, "All sorts of things I guess. Depends on my mood mainly."
Nearly 5 heart pounding minutes went by without any further questions. David seemed somewhat interested with the movie playing on the television. In the meantime, I was too busy glaring upon his soft morsel of sleeping boy meat. I could have easily spent all eternity glaring at his boy stick and adorable perfect little body. David raised his legs upwards, propelling his knees towards the ceiling while keeping both feet planted on the mattress. Oh how I would have given anything to have been so lucky as to be in between those silky smooth legs, lapping like a thirst craved camel at the boy's delicious butt hole. The more I thought these types of sexual perverse thoughts, the more my cock continued throbbing like crazy, producing globs of pre-cum oozing from my now gaping piss lips.
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