Friday, March 19, 2010

Gay Japanese porn for beginners

It's Japanese porn language class with Harry Jhones! Japanese gay slang covers a long period of history but for those interested in gay Japanese porn some of these terms could be useful if you wish to search on either an English or Japanese language search engine. SO here we go for gay Japanese course 101. But before we start let us have a look at at gay clip from Japanboyz:

Anaru (アナル)
Literally, anal sex is current used in modern Japan.
Barazoku (薔薇族)
Literally "Rose Tribe,"Barazoku is the name of the first and indeed the most famous gay magazine and the terms has since become the same in meaning with gay
Jani, Janī (ジャニ, ジャニー)
This is derived from the English name John and in essence it means a young, handsome, boyish man I think that in English we would use the term twink for this.
Kagema (陰間)
Word for word this means the hidden or concealed room and this was used a great deal in the Edo Period to mean men or male prostitutes whose customers were of the same sex. SInce the Japanese love tea the word kagemajaya (陰間茶屋) means a tea house you can visit where you will only find male prostitutes.
This is derived form the two words ketsu and manko and it means "ass cunt" this word. Usually this term is used to described the ass or the passive male bottom.
Kuma (熊, クマ)
This word is used to describe a bear in English gay slang and is also used today as Kuma-kei (熊系, クマ系) meaning "bear-like."
Nekama (ネカマ)
gay men who engage in cybersex.
Neko (ネコ)
The literal translation is cat written with the kanji or katakana and means the "bottom" or the passive partner.
Nicho (にちょ)
The term given to Shinjuku Nichome by those who frequent it and are familiar with the turf.
Okama (お釜, おかま)
Literally this word means pot or kettle and the O in front is a term of respect. It is still often used for a gay man, who is effeminate or a drag queen.
Onee (オネエ)
The word is used to describe the young effiminate gay man in Japan and literally translated it means older sister.
Onnagirai (女嫌い)
In a literal sense this means woman-hater and describes a man who preferred male erotic and romantic companionships.
Riba (リバ)
Ribāsu (リバース) means a man who is versatile.

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