5StarBoys - gay twink porn blog

Back now to take a brief look at some of the newest gay twink boy sites to appear this year on the Net. Without doubt one of the real claims to fame goes to FiveStarBoys, the latest creation of Bucksfactory which was released mid-January 2010.
These young cuties are all of East European origin and as in previous released from Bucksfactory the content is just what the gay twink admirer is looking for. The boys are fresh and young, the gay sex action is always hot on screen and the lads really get into and enough what they are doing. And in addition, they are new to the gay twinks web. Mind you some of the fancy dress I find a bit over the top but then they don't have their clothes on for so long in any case so who cares.
Something which I have noticed recently and is becoming increasingly common - and I would put forward that this is some sign of the importance of a site. Immediately after release someone is clever enough and goes and buys the domain fivestarboys.net. It has happened with many such sites and although perhaps slightly questionable it is quite a clever thing to do. Why? If fivestartboys.COM is a success you can rest assured that fivestarboys.NET will get a share of the traffic as they will be intermingled in search engines if you do a search for fivestarboys - Not bad eh?
But enough of the ramblings of Harry Jhones, King of Gay Porn. The site is a great destination for worshippers of the young (legal) twink doing the nasty. One more clip below and if you want to take a look at the site in full click on the banner beneath it. See you over there!
Something which I have noticed recently and is becoming increasingly common - and I would put forward that this is some sign of the importance of a site. Immediately after release someone is clever enough and goes and buys the domain fivestarboys.net. It has happened with many such sites and although perhaps slightly questionable it is quite a clever thing to do. Why? If fivestartboys.COM is a success you can rest assured that fivestarboys.NET will get a share of the traffic as they will be intermingled in search engines if you do a search for fivestarboys - Not bad eh?
But enough of the ramblings of Harry Jhones, King of Gay Porn. The site is a great destination for worshippers of the young (legal) twink doing the nasty. One more clip below and if you want to take a look at the site in full click on the banner beneath it. See you over there!
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